Saturday, July 26, 2014

Three Years, 300 Words

We're in Ireland this week!

atop Trim Castle, Ireland

This vacay day, I offer a summary of the last three blog years with links to 5 essays per year:

Initial blogs outline Bob's experiences setting up housekeeping, adjusting to a 6-day work week, searching for the Catholic Church. There's info about Eid al-Adha, a photo tour of the Pearl, and an explanation about how to obtain a license to drink in Doha.

Katie and Kimber

Katie, Kimber and I make our first trip across the world and Bob earns his temporary driver's license after a three month effort.

After seven trips over land and sea I am an official expat spouse. No more airport lines; Qatar Airways' Silver Status travelers board at will. (Today, ahem, I am a Gold member.)

Learn about Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser's job site chicken coop in The Sheikha and the Chickens. Update: the chicken coop and garden, a nod to the Koranic garden, a green space that includes plants from the Koran - was unceremoniously removed in 2013.

Watch a video (with translation) of the Call to Prayer and see a giraffe giving birth. Sit with me as Qatari college students share a favorite gulf tradition with elementary school aged girls, and participate in the gymnastics event that is the Qatari greeting.

washing windows at Zig Zag Towers

Discover How to Get a Speeding Ticket, live Five Moments in Doha and get to know Qatar's Money. Finally, Dear Expat, About Your Cleavage is an open letter to the sparsely dressed Doha expat.


We hang with our awesome expat family in a finicky climate. I attend a Qatari Wedding and a Qatari Women's Association event with Kimber and Kitty, Bob's mom. Our beautiful son, Chris stops by.

And the adventure continues!


Anonymous said...

What a great idea--a tour of the last three plus years of posts! From Ireland!!

Gotta set some time aside to visit each of the prior posts--What fun :-)

Charles W. Hedrick said...

So where are you bound for in Ireland next? What will be the highlight of this "trip to the holy land," do you think?