Friday, March 14, 2014

We are BMD (Overseas Version)

In the beginning, there is a hole.
Read More: Our Doha What/Why
Sketches, designs, plans, backhoes, shovels, guys wearing hard hats, Ed, Garth.
Mumtaz Ed
(شكرا لتتحدث اللغة عربية معي، أد)
Garth and his canine groupies
Twelve hour days, six day work weeks, paper, diagrams, traffic. Cranes, yellow vests, steel toed boots, sweaty-tee-shirt-onsite-walkabouts, chickens.
chicken coop overlooking the jobsite
Yes, really
Golf vacations, safari adventures. Coffee mornings, beach and museum outings, dune bashing, Inland Sea. Dancing, rugby, tennis, music.

musical bonfire at the Singing Dunes
our first weekend in Doha
thanx Curtis & Mary


Read More: Click to hear Esther sing the Doha expat classic, It's Gonna Be a Bright Doha Day
BMD baby (courtesy Mike and Tracy Sartain, thanks, guys!) born in Qatar.

The "Doha Six" lends a hand. Cats, dogs, golf, visa runs, camel rides. Short drives made long by oppressive, depressive traffic. Villa parties, "Roooox-anne!" Club meetings, language classes, lunches, play dates. Adorable children, heartbreaking loss.
Barbecue Rob cuddles Baby T
Our company "family" here flows, shifts and changes like, well - dunes in the desert (the following photos are non-inclusive and in no particular order; no captions because you know who you are; click to view a larger image):



work, live and play side by side: a special kind of team building

Meanwhile, there is more paper. Meetings. Closed roads, expanded holes, bigger trucks loaded with concrete and steel. Cranes go up, cranes come down.
same hole: floor or ceiling?
Football and potluck parties. Guess Who's Coming to Ramadan Lunch. Turkey Central, British place, Egyptian Chicken, $5 meals, $13 tanks of gas, Fudd's Thursday.

Family visits, Dubai, Oman, Greece, Italy, Africa; around the world adventure. But in the end (of this post), just as the beginning, it's all about the hole:
big hole fillin' up
Read More: BMD Blogger Links (click here to  submit a link to add your travelling BMD family's blog to this list)
Samantha and Cesar Vidal:

1 comment:

  1. Charles W. HedrickMarch 14, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    It looks like you have the support of a wonderful "family" during your expat absence. I hope that they have enjoyed being immortalized on your blog--they will be that young forever!
