Friday, April 18, 2014

Charles Hedrick Birthday and Poetry Month: On Niqabs and Tattoos

Charles Hedrick

April is milestone birthday month for my dad, the theologian, author, rabble rouser and poet, Charles Hedrick.
Read Charlie's blog where he waxes scholastically philosophical on all things God, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Bible, spirit, soul, peace, prayer and much more. (
Visit Charlie's website to view presentation videos, pictures, and learn more about Charlie's latest publications. (
As all Charlie ever wants for his birthday is socks and poems, I'm posting this month's blogs in 80 word meter, a number which may be important to Charlie's big celebration (but you didn't hear it from me).
poet, linguist, theologian
April's posts are written for him
(but if there's a royalty
endorse those checks over to me)
Happy Big Birthday Month, Dad.
On Niqabs and Tattoos
Tattoos are haraam, forbidden;
they're permanent, cause pain and change
the body which God created.
Our hostess removed her niqab,
and scarf and answered questions on
covering, Islam and tattoos.
All Muslim women don't cover,
said the Iranian, her scarf
draped loosely over tinted hair.
And, my eighty-seven year old
mother, prayerful Muslim woman,
just got her first tattoo. I thought,
Except for the permanence, scarred
skin, pain and God thing, at eighty-
seven, I might get a tat too.
**It's possible I don't write serious long or deep enough to be a real poet, but, in Charlie's honor I'm sweating rhythm and sometimes rhyme over at the Writer's Digest Poem a Day Challenge. For easy retrieval, those poems are reposted here (


  1. Charles W. HedrickApril 18, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    It does not appear that your model at the top of the column follows the "cover up" rule but at least he does not have a tattoo--but then he is not 87!

  2. Even if you and Dad got tats,
    I would NOT get a tat two!
