Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Father's Day - in Arabic

Every day is Father's Day in Middle Eastern culture!  Children are expected to respect their parents both culturally and in Islam.  The importance of one's behavior toward parents is so important, it's mentioned eleven times in the Quran.  Poor behavior toward one's parents is considered a major sin:
"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as] 'uff' [i.e., an expression of irritation or disapproval] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: 'My Lord! Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.'" [Quran 17:23-24]
"I asked the Prophet : 'Which deed is the most beloved to Allah?' He replied: 'Prayers performed on time.' I then asked: 'Which one is next?' He replied: 'Goodness to parents.'…"
In Islam, first respect is due Allah, then your mother, then your mother, then your mother…and then your father.
To celebrate Father's Day in America I've written a poem for my dad.  In honor of my mother (who also loves Arabic), I've written the poem in Arabic (it's okay to laugh):
سلام عليكم!  مرحبا!  اهلا و سهلا!  كيف حالك!
هذا اسبوع ستكون عيد في امريكا الذي اسمه "يوم الأب."
ابي يسكن بعيد من لي لانه في امريكا و انا اسكن في الدوحة.
كتبت قصيدة لأبي التي سوف أقرأها لكم قريبا.
و لكن الأول ساتكلم كلمات قليلة باللغة العربية المصرية لأبي:
"يا بابا ازياك؟
كوايس؟ طيب؟ مزبوط؟
اي حجة حبيبي؟
اوزة بتكلم معاك... تعل هنا  !ممكن؟ او بكرة في مشمش؟"
باس. مافيش كمان. خلاس. دلواءتي أقرأ قصيدة لأبي.
احب الشاطئ
احب الجزر
احب الشمس
احب البحر
احب الصحراء
احب الهواء
احب الريح
احب السماء.
لكن ابي, ابو, بابا...
أكثر احب انت.
كل سنة و انت طيب!
العيد سعيد يوم لآب!
Peace be upon you, welcome, hi, how are you!
This week is "Father's Day" in America.
My father lives far from me in America while I live in Doha.
I wrote a poem for my father which I'll read to you soon.
But first I will speak a few words in Egyptian Arabic for my father.  [As most of you know, my parents lived and worked in Egypt for many years and our family has a special affection for the country.]
"Hey Dad, how are you? Good? What's up, love? I want to speak with you, come on over here! Is it possible or not?"
Never mind.  Now I'll read a poem for my dad:
I love the beach.
I love carrots.
I love the sun.
I love the sea.
I love the desert.
I love the air.
I love the wind.
I love the sky.
But Father, Dad, Daddy,
Most of all, I love you.
Every year, you are great.  Happy Father's Day!
(A private message to the HWKT writers, especially Judy, Lisha and Ann): This represents my first (self) published work in Arabic.  Shall I bring cookies?  :)
With the World's Best Parents - I love them


  1. Bring ME Bring ME! Forget the cookies!!!

  2. What a marvelous Father's Day gift! Easily the most unusual one I have ever received! Will I get a copy to hang on my wall? Your performance reminded me of many Arabic TV shows I have watched in the past.

  3. I've seen those shows - ha! My dad is funny. :) Glad you liked it, tho!

  4. That was awesome! Well done... Impressive as that can not be an easy language to learn.

  5. Wow, thanks, Brian! The hardest part for me is the conjugation since EVERY verb (maybe every word?) has a single, dual, plural, male, female form, every letter has three shapes and using the incorrect inflection sometime offers up a completely different meaning. Ha! One teacher said it's best to "feel" the language. :)

    And Mom - we only bring cookies when there's "good news" (ie, publication). I'm not sure my poem qualifies. Although the part about the carrots WAS uniquely inspired. :)

  6. Posted nearly a month ago --for Dad--and it still makes me smile :D

  7. ALLAAN. It shoulda been "allaan" (and other corrections I won't be making). Ma'alesh.
