Saturday, May 25, 2013

48 hours in Doha - pictures

Chicago to Doha, non-stop:  North America, Europe, Africa, Asia.  An ocean, a couple of seas, 13 hour journey, plus an 8 hour time difference.
It's my 7th trip across the world - and the good folks at Qatar Airways surprise me with a business class upgrade:  porcelain mugs, plates, bowls, tiny salt and pepper shakers, complementary full sized toothbrush.  Would you like wine, Ma'am?  Coffee?  Soda?  Nuts in a glass bowl?  Spacious seat, movie screen at the end of a pull out bed, cozy pajamas and a quilted blanket.
My knees are happy.  But inside my head:
this is what jet lag feels like
Off the plane and it's back to work:  training, meetings, case study notes.
And coffee, lots of coffee.
There is this:

Start to finish, one small load takes 6 hours
and this:
Dave Ramsey disciples hammering out the budget
What's the exchange rate again?
Finally, a long, long sleep:
And the world looks like this again:
quiet Friday morning boardwalk at The Pearl
shops closed for afternoon Siesta, 1-4pm, everyday
Palm trees in the city, loaded with dates
Time for dinner out:
we like the bottomless chips and salsa
A bookstore run:
more Office Max/Archivers than Barnes & Noble
commercial children's books, in Arabic
school supplies and books in English
Job site visit:
Big hole, filling up
Bob and Cindi, happy to be together again:
Late blog, few words. I will do better.  But first...


  1. It sounds like you are really living the good life! (Except for jet lag, that is.)

  2. It was good to see you again--

  3. ...and again...!!! nice visit. Have another good day.
